Posts in: 2022s

Day 3: Experimental

Listening to Conor Oberst’s first solo record, which I adored, and still do… I realized it came out fucking… 14 years ago. As it turns out I think he did become our Dylan. 🎵

🎨 Amazing typeface from Grilli Type with an extremely hype minisite.

Went to the record store for the first time in two years and flipping through the bins realized how many of these people are dead. Like flipping through gravestones. 🎵

Matt Berninger (of the National) covered Morphine’s “In Spite Of Me” and I’m extremely here for it. 🎵

This Chance The Rapper appearance on SNL always brings me so much joy. 🎵

Leonard Cohen’s letter to Marianne still kills me– “Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine.” He writes so plaintively, carefully, and honestly that it feels otherworldly. His is the ultimate meditation on life.

i’ve always loved the title of this record.